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Adult Probation

Welcome to the Marion County Adult Probation Department
Message from the
Chief Probation Officer

Welcome to the Marion County Common Pleas Court Adult Probation Department website. The following will provide you with an overview of the Department and the services provided. As a department, we strive to implement evidenced based practices to help restore lives of those we serve while protecting the safety of our community. 
Jennifer Ryan
Chief Probation Officer
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to help offenders become successful, productive law abiding citizens.
Our Vision
Our vision is to improve the safety of our community by reducing the future criminal behavior of offenders and reducing their rate if recidivism
Our Values
  • Act ethically and with integrity
  • Recognize the value of all individuals
  • Regard one another with respect and dignity
  • Supervise to empower yet hold accountable
  • Foster collaboration

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